the best pop up yet

on friday we held another beach pop up in vancouver. i knew some people were excited for it, because i’d been getting messages asking when the next one would be since the last one. but i never expected it to turn out the way it did. 

that morning i posted an announcement saying, “DM me or text me the word sunset and the location will be sent out at 5pm.” i worked all day, finishing up a zombies remix that I wanted to play, as well as a VIP edit of Need Your Love. by 7:30pm we headed down to the beach and I couldn’t believe it. THOUSANDS of you were there. an absolute sea of people in front of an ocean with an iconic sunset. insane. we had a small technical difficulty delaying the start time, but once it was taken care of, we got started. the energy was like nothing i had ever experienced. it honestly feels like my entire career has lead to a moment like this.

i can’t really express how magical these pop ups are. there’s something DIY about them, and something real about them that’s hard to put into words. i’m still riding the high that we could pull this off, and i appreciate every single one of you that came out. so thank you!!

i’m working on a few other things for this summer as well... till next time.

PS: we filmed the whole thing and will upload it to my youtube soon!



the goldilocks principle


can you feel it?