thank you (17 years later)

17 years ago i started making electronic songs. i didn’t know where to put them so i uploaded them to a myspace page and chose the name ‘felix cartal.’ i never thought i was making a decision that would be something for the rest of my life, but i do love the name. 

i’ve been lucky enough to have things that have worked over the years, and have instilled enough positive feedback to keep going. there have been years where it has been tough, and musically i’ve felt lost more times than i can remember. in those moments i’ve always tried to zoom out, and realize how lucky i am to do this as a career. i take the process very seriously and every day i try to show up, and work on an idea that i’m excited about. to this day i still feel like a kid on christmas morning when i have a new song i like… i can’t wait to get to the studio and work on it and i’m grateful for that. 

that’s not every day. there’s also the bad days where nothing feels like it’s working, but i try to show up then too. i heard a quote… “the blessing in life is finding a torture you’re comfortable with.” and i think that accurately describes music production a lot of the time. once i work through that, i never really remember that struggle once the song is complete. shit’s funny like that.

17 years ago i started this and i still love it. i actually feel in a weird way that i’m just getting started.

i just announced a 2025 tour, and people really showed up. 

a lot of the shows are almost sold out already (from the pre-sale alone!!).

we’re also adding a few more dates to cities people asked for.

so just wanted to say thank you.

- felix


the illusion of choice


disconnecting aka reconnecting