Off to Burning Man

I hear it’s lit. 🔥 

All puns aside, I’m extremely excited, nervous and a bit terrified. I think that is the appropriate hodgepodge of emotions. I’ve never been to Burning Man before, but this year I’m playing 6 sets. Makes sense for my first time 😂. It feels like a rite of passage for DJ’s, but I know it’s that way for attendees as well. I’ve been educating myself on it for the past few weeks and I have a lot of respect for how these things come about. I know the level of planning and community required to make these things function is always underestimated and under appreciated. 

I was trying to think what it is about something like Burning Man that feels so special. Aside from the pageantry of visual zeal that accompanies them it’s commendable to just think “yeah someone did that.” I think that’s what I like about being a creative. Creating something from nothing is a great feeling, but it’s hard. You push through self-doubts but also doubt from everyone else. There’s this mutual respect amongst creatives because you know how many “are you sure that’ll fucking work?” that person heard but they still pushed forward. Maybe Burning Man is this beautiful metaphor for a bunch of people just crazy enough to try things. I fucking love that.

Anyway, I say all this with my limited knowledge of the event having not yet going, but even writing this has got me even more excited.

See you on the playa! (did I get that right?)


ps: text me if u have any burning man tips!

also here’s my schedule if you’re going or know anyone going :)

Thu Aug 31 2023

[21:00-23:00] Camp Illuminaughty [9:15 & G]

Fri Sep 1 2023

[06:00 - 07:30] Celtic Chaos  [10:00 & C]

[18:00-20:00] Sonic Soul Tribe [2:00 & Esplanade]

[23:00-00:30] Camp Polaris Mutant Vehicle [9:45 & G]

Sat Sep 2 2023

[20:00-21:30] Pariah on the Playa [Art Car]

[22:00-00:00] Metaphoenix Art Car [Art Car]


A Patient DJ


Dinosaurs Are Great