A Patient DJ

The dates are coming in! I just added Denver. Vegas we announce tomorrow. And I’m off to Burning Man this week, playing 6 sets in 3 days! There's lots more dates in the works. I’m excited.

I’m feeling a lot more patient with my DJ’ing lately. It feels like I found the pocket if that makes sense. I think there’s a couple things that helped. During the pandemic I did a weekly twitch stream. I did about 60 weeks in a row or something insane. It turns out if you DJ for 3 hours a week, while also talking on a mic, and typing in a chatroom... you get better at it? Who would have thought? But I guess in retrospect, that was practice. Before the pandemic I was DJ’ing here and there, but never really sitting down to practice. Like actually practice. And this was the best kind of practice, a way that made it fun and where I had to think on my feet.

Victoria Pop Up (photo by Kyle Lee)

These summer pop-ups were the other piece of the puzzle. Although the twitch streams helped me get my chops up, there was no live audience. There was the bortgang in the chatroom, which was a level of support I can't even put into words, but there was no dancing. (At least that I knew about). It was great on an exploratory level... I could play anything and not worry about clearing a dance floor. But that's only half the puzzle. The pop ups have a randomness to them that typical shows haven't had. I didn't know how many people would be there when we started. I didn't how long I would play because we might get shut down. I didn't know if people would "go off" or if a chill vibe would be more appropriate. I guess having to be ready for anything gave me confidence. It helped me trust myself again. 

A very cool feeling to have happen 14 years into your DJ career. Anyway, stoked to get back out there. See you on the road.



I Played (Escaped) Burning Man


Off to Burning Man