Dinosaurs Are Great

But we’ll get to that in a bit. 

I’m having a pretty good workflow these days. I feel good and I feel the momentum. I think i’m being a lot more patient with myself and not trying to cram 1000 things into one day. If I just breathe and focus on a couple things for the day, at the end of the week I still feel like I’ve accomplished a lot. Which has honestly been surprising! Focussing on less accomplishes more? Make it make fucking sense! It’s torturous to have an endless to-do list day every day. But 2 things? Now we’re getting somewhere. Get those 2 things done and then feel good about the day. I guess it’s simple but it’s not easy.

On Friday we did another beach pop up in Vancouver. It happened at Kits. Guru reached out to me because they loved the one we did at Third Beach. Their enthusiasm for the whole thing was incredible, they built an installation and handled all the sound. It made our lives so much easier to just focus on the party and not worry about the setup. The excitement at the show was palpable and it was all running smoothly until a massive yoga session planned for the beach started 30mins early and we had to end. It was out of my control. It was heartbreaking but there was nothing we could do. I want to do another one to make it up though. Text me if you’re down. These pop-ups are so fun.

The next day I headed for Drumheller with Glass Petals and LUN. I had two slots at the fest, a felix set and a GP set. We flew into calgary, rented a car, and were on our way. Full road trip style. 5 cent candies, road pops and 7-eleven coffee. The finer things in life. For those of you unfamiliar with Drumheller, it’s the “Dinosaur Capital of the World.” Set in the badlands, a fuck-ton of dinosaur fossils were discovered there and they have an insane museum that is worth a visit. I haven’t been since I was a youngin and as we drove in I audibly screamed “holy shit look at that dinosaur!” The whole town is dino-themed, and it’s just… so great. I love a thing that can make me feel child-like joy again. It’s a feeling that’s hard to put into words. I’m sure there’s a metaphor in there for making music, something about following the things that inspire you as a kid. Who knows. Dinosaurs are great.



Off to Burning Man


Release Day Anxiety