Taelor Deitcher Taelor Deitcher

release day jitters

my new song ‘cuz of you’ with cyn is out and you’ll never guess what inspired the lyrics. releasing music is somewhat of a complicated endeavour these days for my brain. part of me is proud the music is out, getting it to…

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Taelor Deitcher Taelor Deitcher

Release Day Anxiety

I’ve had a complicated relationship with release day over the years. At my best it’s been exciting, at my worst it’s been soul-crushing. To say the invention of streaming services has added a new pressure to ‘release day’ would be putting it lightly. We’re all vying for a chance to be seen amongst a smorgasbord of a fuck-ton of music from a myriad of genres. I’ve been putting out music since about 2007 (it’s wild to even say that) and I’ve noticed myself get overwhelmed with it at times. I think i’m better with it now. I’ve deleted all the ‘stats’ apps off my phone and tried to focus on “what do i really care about?” I try to be realistic. I want people…

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Taelor Deitcher Taelor Deitcher

Don't Read The Comments

The album is out. Thank you to everyone who has listened and shared it. Especially if you've listened to it front to back, no interruptions. (My favourite way to consume music*.) I’m quite happy with how cohesive the record is as a whole. I won’t say too much about it, because I do find it a bit laborious to talk about music. As the maxim says, “talking about music, is like dancing about architecture.” I find that to be very true. Sometimes I’m asked to write a quote about my latest song and my visceral reaction is to think…

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