very high in colorado
a bit of progress this past weekend as i finally take the plunge and play some unreleased songs i’ve been terrified to play. i was unsure if i was emotionally ready to deal with how much work may still need to be done on them. against all odds, they go well. it’s a rare moment, an actual crowd “hey hey hey” chant-a-long to a song they’ve never heard before. they don’t know it’s one of mine and unreleased. it feels good. a completely pure reaction. these moments are not lost on me, and they reaffirm that maybe, just maybe…perhaps, i am getting better at this.
the drive from denver to crested butte was beautiful but i am completely drained. the elevation in colorado is no joke. i look up crested butte’s elevation: 2700m in the village (not even at the top of the mountain.) i then look up whistler village for context… 670m. wild. it’s the kind of place where u get all sorts of loosey-goosey off half a cocktail. if you ever wanted to save money drinking, maybe not a bad city to move to. just an idea.
next week i’m austiin and chicago.