there is no finish line

i ran today in vancouver. it was cloudy and temperate with a light mist of rain that cooled my skin as if i was in the produce aisle. the perfect running conditions. my goal today was merely to run a bit further than i had been lately. i wasn’t concerned with time or pace. i can be competitive with those things if i choose to be. but i can also let them go as long as i have the gameplan in place before i start moving.

the work feels similar. the to-do list can be daunting. it can overwhelm me. once i start a to-do list, i often want to keep adding to it, because the challenge becomes “how many things can i finish in one day?” i think that might be detrimental to what i want to accomplish. and opposite to how i approach running. one goal at a time seems to work best.

with music, the way i see it, there is no winning or losing. i’ve always taken issue with the concept of making it because it implies an end-goal. music, much like running, is an internal game of self-improvement. as long as the writing, the production, and the ideas gets better based on my standards then that’s enough.

there is no finish line, it’s what happens day to day that matters.


ps: i filmed a DJ set a donut shop with a bunch of unreleases music, icymi


thoughts at 30,000 feet


embrace your weirdness