Free Vinyl and a Train Rave

The premiere for the pop up rave we through on the vancouver skytrain rave is this wednesday, at 7PM PST.

If you RSVP right now, you’ll have a chance to win some vinyl. 

Make sure you tune in because you can’t win if you’re not there!

The video is really great. I’m proud of it. My friend Kyle finished the edit after we discussed how it should look and feel, and he did a fantastic job. It really feels like you’re there. Throwing parties and filming them are two different beasts. Sometimes a party can feel exciting, and then you get the footage and it feels the opposite. It starts to play a mental trick on you, was the party not as good as I remember it? Or is the footage just mid? Live recordings have a similar tendency. Luckily this one is not the case. It’s SICK.

Kyle really fought to have some LED lighting on the train, I thought it would be a hassle but he said it’ll be worth it. He was right. The vibe is so good. Lights really go a long way. Another issue I wanted to amend — sometimes when I watch live videos, it annoys me that there isn’t any live audio, creating a disconnect between the sound and footage. We solved this by recording the set directly on the DJ deck with a USB stick, and then had a live mic as well. I mixed the two audio tracks together, removing all the low end from the live audio so that the direct audio comes through and mix still slams. It sounds live as fuck because you get to hear all the crowd reactions. It feels like you’re there. 

I can’t really express how much these pop-ups are a labour of love. I think a lot of people think you just go do something, film it, and throw it online. There’s weeks of planning, editing ,and audio refining to get it all right. The promo content is meticulously planned as well. This reel for how we ‘threw’ the rave took us a few hours to edit. As for the financial end of things, I’ve just been funding these entire things myself, because they’re fun. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Btw, if you’re feeling generous and want to support these free things that we do…

The best way is to drop a comment and like 👍 the video right now! Help me hack that algorithm baby!

See you weds in the chat.



This Isn’t Live?


DJ’ing But Make It Comedy